What's New With Sabina?

Welcome to my website!  Thank you for taking interest in me and my work.  I am an American theatre director who has recently moved to Copenhagen and would love to work in English-language theatre here.  After freelancing in LA and running my own theatre company, I decided to spend the following 8 years travelling around the world teaching children's theatre and English.  This quest took me to Korea, China, Poland, Thailand, and finally Denmark.  It was a brilliant experience, but I missed working in-depth with playwrights to develop new plays.  I seek to do that here, and I am currently on the lookout for playwrights who have something to share about the world that we live in.  I am drawn to under-represented material that finds hope and beauty in the heavy, difficult and ugly.  The lotus flower that is so emblematic of Buddhism is the perfect symbol of this for me, rising out of the mud towards the light.

Blog Index
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THE CONDUCT OF LIFE by Maria Irene Fornes

"...director Sabina Ptasznik stages the piece with a ferocity and nuance that communicates both the horror of violence and our tacit acceptance of it."

-Stage Raw


"Spinning inevitably toward its harrowing and shocking conclusion, Ptasznik and her ensemble deftly create a piece of great substance that forces the audience to ask what price we pay for looking the other way in a violent world that is not necessarily as alien as we’d like to believe."

-June Carryl, The Chamberpot


"The performances in this production are intense, believable and courageous.  The directing is breathlessly fast-paced and precise.  It’s a stunning, heart-rending achievement."

-Theatre Ghost


OUR TOWN by Thornton Wilder

"Up in Sierra Madre, director Sabina Ptasznik avoids those pitfalls by interpreting the play in the style of a breezy poem. The characters clearly have no time for slovenly displays of emotion. When George Gibbs (Ryan Burke) collapses at the grave of his wife, Emily (Lila Dupree), and bursts into tears, a character comments from a distance, in perfect conformity with the stiff-upper-lipped tone of Ptasznik's production, "Oh, my, that's no way to behave."

-Steven Leigh Morris, L.A. Weekly



 PTSD by Tommy Smith

"Tommy Smith's dark comedy, "PTSD" packs the biggest emotional punch. Ably directed by Sabina Ptasznik, it depicts the homecoming of an emotionally barricaded war vet (effectively portrayed by an understated Jason Denuszek) and the efforts of those around him to communicate."

-Steven Leigh Morris, L.A. Weekly